Why choose Mexico as an ally for logistics.

Jul 18, 2022 | Logistics strategy | 0 Comentarios

Supply chains are essential processes for companies, since the production of the products they sell depends on them, from access to raw materials to the sale to the end customer. Companies like yours require partners that can provide the necessary facilities and benefits to generate an adequate logistics experience. Here we tell you why choose Mexico as an ally for logistics.


What is the situation of the supply chain in Mexico?

Mexico currently has the ideal characteristics for all types of logistics operations; it has space for construction, as well as different ways of moving raw materials and merchandise (by air, land or sea), it has favorable climate environment and has perfectly trained specialists.

In recent years the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic brought uncertainty to companies and their supply chains were affected, causing a pause in the industry in general, countries around the world closed their accesses to protect themselves from the pandemic. Now, the chaos caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine has led to a decrease in the number of ships arriving in the country.

However, some countries such as Mexico have increased their potential and companies from all over the world are requesting Real Estate services to settle in the country and take advantage of the potential it has to fully reactivate their operations and even increase volume.


These are the 3 main points of the TMEC an why choose Mexico as an ally for logistics:

  1. Certification and Verification of Origin.

Exporters and producers will be able to issue certificates validating the origin of the merchandise to ensure the quality of the product.

  1. Customs and Trade Facilitation

Seeking new business opportunities facilitates access to Mexican trade, reducing logistics costs.

  1. Trade in Digital Goods

Anticipating the needs of the current population, it has been agreed to promote and protect digital goods. The aim is to strengthen the protection of information and the processing of technologies.

The main agreements have been created with the intention of favoring the market of the countries that conform it, this is a great advantage for all, because the possibilities of expansion from one country to another are an accessible reality.


Do you know which are the main countries that invest in Mexico?

They are in this order of importance:

  1. The United States
  2. Spain
  3. Canada
  4. Japan
  5. Germany


Every country in the world has the opportunity to relocate your company to Mexico, just click on the following button to contact us and get in touch to get started.

As you can see, companies from all countries in the world have the opportunity to relocate to Mexico to exploit the potential of the supply chain. Through our Real Estate service, we show you what will be your new workplace.

Are you looking for a logistics ally in Mexico?

We are here for you! You can call us anytime, by via whatsapp or send us a mail with all your questions.

We are just a click away!

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