Environmental, Health and Safety.

In Mexico the department Environmental, Health and Safety or EHS have an important roll in guarantee protection and safety of employees (agree the Federal Labor Law) as the compliance of environmental protection and their regulations.

In Grupo Zeu our experts in EHS can asses the operations of your business giving the highest qualified personnel for this roll every time they need it.

Grupo Zeu can help you in the operations of the next areas:

Management of permissions and licenses

Management of dangerous or not dangerous wastes

Monthly and trimestral auditory (intern)

Programs and safety rules

Support in correspondent Environmental Certifies.

Analysis of raw materials

Management of governmental auditories.

Met all we can do for you:

Government and Legal Compliance

Normative compliance of regulatory laws.

Industrial Real Estate

Site Selection, Land Acquisitions and Buildings.

Tax Accounting

Tax accomplishment and payroll processing.

Environmental, Health and Safety

Environmental, Health and Safety

Payroll and benefits to employees

Employee administration.

Human Resources and Recruitment

Administrative and operative personnel recruitment.

import and export

Import and export services of Mexico.

Backoffice Outsourcing

High qualified employees.

Strategic Marketing Supply

We assure to generate your positioning.

Gestión Logística 3PL y 4PL

Packing and distribution.

Quality Control

Auditory and Certificates.

Nearshoring Service

Better option for American businesses.

Our presence in your business answers to every situation that can happen at your installations.

We proportionate services of physic safety for your manufacturing installations in Mexico.

You’ll be benefited of risks mitigation related to threats that can include criminal activity as thief or assaults.

Our divisions have served these companies: