You have temporary jobs because of medical leaves? Solve it with an employee outsourcing service

Mar 15, 2022 | Outsourcing | 0 Comentarios

As a result, from the pandemic, a lot of companies have lost thousands of working hours and the important activities in a business hasn’t been attended because shortage of workers and they are reaching out to temporary personnel. If you’re your one of this companies, learn to solve it with a temporary employee outsourcing service in Mexico like Zeu Group, for Temporary Third-party Employment Services from a subcontractor.


What is a temporary employee outsourcing service?

The temporary job vacancies with an employee outsourcing service can be an option to those job positions that are only required for a short time, whether because of the inconsistent demand or the timeline of the project.

If you want to outsource some of the activities of the H.R. department in Mexico, then all the information you need is in our blog In-house payroll Vs. Payroll Outsource in Mexico, learn more about it here, it’s free!


How does Temporary Third-Party employment services work?

In order to have temporary job openings you will need to previously indicate the duration of the labor relationship to the subcontractor, it can be in time or the development of some activities indicated by the company.

All the workers that are registered under a subcontractor in Mexico has the same labor and social security rights that a direct employee will have.

Every business field is different in other countries, after reading our blog Selecting the right payroll service provider in Mexico you will be one step closer to expanding your business operations, start now by reading it here!


Who can have a temporary personnel and for which departments?

This strategy can be used by all the businesses that need to fill a job opening for a short time because of the medical leave from the direct employee like going in covid protocols or due to maternity leave.

Now if what you want to know is which departments can be outsourced by a Third-Party Employment Services, then what you need is to read now our previous blog Front office Vs. Back Office, know the differences, it’s easy, just click here!

Subcontractors and Employee Outsourcing Service in Mexico.

What are you waiting for? Start developing this strategy for the Mexican operations of your business with the help of an expert in the regional human resources field.

With Zeu Group you will achieve fewer costs with more working hours under the requirements by the law. Don’t put your business in legal problems, we are your temporary and direct outsourcing solution!

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